The Classical String Quartet

The first story about music here in patrickWeb was called "Running with Mozart" and it was published on August 17, 1997. There are quite a few other music related stories since. Some are about concerts, some about my conducting experiences, and many about the digital music. Most of us think of MP3 or iPods when […]

One Summer Night Doo Wop

The day started out with a jet ski ride up the lake followed by a motorcycle ride to search for a geocache whose location had stymied me for the last few attempts. I had not read carefully enough that the latitude and longitude in the geocache description were for the parking area at the the […]


The crab cakes at Barbara Jean’s at the European Village in Palm Coast, Florida were really good and so was the background music — (note: closed as of August 2010). When my wife and I heard "You Really Got A Hold On Me", we immediately recognized the song but could not remember who had recorded […]

Music Sales

Two years ago I was confident that it would happen — more than $1 Billion in sales of digital music for 2005. This was triple the year before. For 2007, the number rose to $3B and represented 15% of total music sales up from less than 1% in 2003. People are willing to pay for […]

PG Music Group Midi Series

“> From the Pianist Series Für Elise Beethoven Moonlight Sonata Op. 27, No.2, Mvt 1 Beethoven Etude in E, Op. 10, No. 3 Chopin Fantaisie-Impromptu in c-sharp, Op. 66 Chopin Nocturne in D Chopin Nocturne in E-flat, Op. 9, No. 2 Chopin Polonaise in A, Op. 40, No. 1 (Military) Chopin altz in D-flat, Op. […]