
Roman Rendezvous – Introduction

Short stories are usually better than long stories but this past week contained so much to share that it can not be told in one short story. The highlight was when five-hundred of us entered the Vatican and the Sistine Chapel in a rare way — the buildings had been closed to the public and […]

Roman Rendezvous: Arrival

The American Airlines flight to Rome was long but smooth. Arrival at the Westin Excelsior was exactly thirteen hours from home. After a short nap was a planned phone conversation with Peter Kammerer, Foreign Editor for the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong. Peter wanted to discuss the future of blogging, which is a […]

IBM Happenings: March 2006

The month of March was cold in many places but another hot one for IBM. There was a slew of announcements in hardware, software, services, acquisitions, and corporate initiatives — including the 2005 annual report and collaboration with gaming companies. The announcements made by the company during the month are below, and the complete Index […]

Open and Closed

The central theme at the IBM Open Source IT Analyst Conference in Stamford, Connecticut this week revolved around the word "open". The term is used with "open source" and also with "open standards" and there is often confusion about the meaning of the two terms. A standard is like a blueprint. An open standard is […]

IBM Happenings: February 2006

The month of February was cold in many places but hot for IBM. There was a slew of announcements in hardware, software, services, acquisitions, and corporate initiatives. The announcements made by the company during the month are below, and the complete Index of IBM Happenings (by year and month) is here. List of Announcements for […]