
Open and Closed – Intro

Today I attended the IBM Open Source Analyst Briefing which was held at the Marriott in Stamford, Connecticut. I will post a story about what I learned later but first I would like to share something about the Marriott. The hotel had a "Wired-for-Business" connectivity offer which enables guests to "Work smarter with unlimited…" in-room […]


"Intellectual Property" has been behind the scenes in years past but has now become a front and center issue. Some argue "IP" is what makes the world go round and is a great American strength and some argue that anything anything anyone invents should belong to everyone. I believe most would agree that the truth […]


Pandemic viruses are one of the most threatening things that most of us can contemplate. Fortunately, some big guns are aimed at the potential problem. The Scripps Research Institute and IBM have announced a new collaboration called "Check-mate" which will capitalize on Scripps Research’s world class research in biochemical modeling and drug discovery and IBM’s […]

IBM Happenings: January 2006

The new year got off to a fast start for IBM. There was a slew of announcements in hardware, software, services, acquisitions, and corporate initiatives. There have been forty or so acquistions in the past five years. An interesting contract was landed to assist the State of Arizona in developing and implementing a statewide system […]

Fraud Reduction Could Fund A Chunk Of Healthcare

On February7 we will be discussing Computational Biology at Demo. No doubt we will hear about some potential breakthroughs in healthcare. One thing we know for sure is that new healthcare solutions are costly. How will people afford them? There are many issues associated with this and one of them is the fraud that occurs […]