
Joe Kreitz — Retiring

Dear Joe, Congratulations on your retirement from IBM. It doesn’t seem that long ago that we were both in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in the branch office. I am sure you are very proud of your nearly thirty-nine years with the company. You contributed a great deal — especially in squeezing many dollars of revenue and profit […]

IBM Happenings: June 2005

The month of June was a busy one at IBM, with technology and solutions annuncements across the board. The announcements made by the company during the month are below, and the complete index of IBM Happenings (by year and month) is here. List of Announcements for June 2005 IBM announces new server based on X3 […]

IBM Happenings: May 2005

The month of May contained some a lot of interesting news and it looks like it will be another very busy year for IBM. One of the biggest items was the closing of the Lenovo transaction. They are off and running. The new ThinkPad T43p is awesome. The announcements made by the company in May […]


A Google search on the word outsourcing produces more than 33 million results. After reading the story about the Nortel/IBM contract, it got me thinking about what outsourcing is all about and where it is headed. The aim of this short story is to offer a perspective on the past, present, and future of outsourcing. […]

Irving’s Blog

I first met Irving Wladawsky-Berger sometime in 1992. I was impressed with his keen interest in technology and the things I was working on. We have continued as friends and colleagues ever since. Irving has had a distinguished career at IBM including heading up the IT group in IBM Research, getting IBM into the supercomputer […]