
Extreme Blue

I got ready last night – set the Garmin StreetPilot GPS to point to 1 Rogers Street in Cambridge, Massachusetts and topped off the Harley gas tank. The ride began at 6:30 AM and was met with heavy fog along Route 7 and on Interstate 84, but as the morning unfolded, things cleared up and […]

Books About IBM

There have been many books written about IBM. I own and have read eight of them. The first one on the list is A Business and its Beliefs, by Thomas J. Watson, Jr. It was published forty years ago, in 1963. I read it in 1967, the year I joined IBM. The annual report for […]

List of Books About IBM

There are many books about IBM. The ones below are those that I own and have read. Click here for a story I wrote about IBM and the books. Each listing has a link to Amazon for purchase if you are interested. (All commissions earned from books bought through patrickWeb are donated to charity). The […]

How Big Blue Is Turning Geeks Into Gold

Fortune Magazine just ran an interesting story about IBM called How Big Blue Is Turning Geeks Into Gold. It is a good read. I have been privileged to work with many people in IBM Research over the years and have learned much from them. It is heartening to read about how customers are learning from them.

WiFi — Update No. 4

I have been getting a lot of questions about Cometa Networks and this update will provide some thoughts about last weeks announcement but I would like to first make some reflections to put things in context. The continued growth of WiFi seems so assured to me and I believe it will revolutionize the world much […]