Will We Ever Get Rid of Passwords?
It seems every week I receive spam emails appearing to come from friends of mine. It is immediately clear they were hacked. How did they get hacked? By having a weak password like the example in the picture above. The top 25 passwords revealed through a study show similar examples like abcd1234, the person’s birthday, […]
Power to the People
Power to the People During the summer of 2001, I wrote Net Attitude: What It Is, How to Get It, and Why Your Company Can’t Survive Without It.[i] There was still a lot of skepticism about the Internet, similar to the skepticism now circulating about cryptocurrencies. However, people around the world saw how the Internet […]
How Do We Stop the Hackers?
Written: December 16, 2021 Major information technology (IT) breaches are becoming a daily occurrence. The news coverage has centered on hacking and hackers. The bigger story, in my opinion, is the failure of government and business leaders to prevent the hacking. The news coverage at times makes it sound like the problem is the […]
Is Subway Surfing Stealing?
Written: June 22, 2002 Edited: September 9, 2021 Hard to believe but when I was evangelizing Wi-Fi, there were many critics. NY Times featured an article saying Wi-Fi was a fad and it would go away. I wrote the following story 19 years ago. I was driving down Main Street in a small New England […]
Is Bitcoin Good For The Environment?
Bitcoin is not good for the environment. However, there are significant changes on the horizon which may change this. As of May 28, there are 10,118 different cryptocurrencies. Most of them are insignificant. The total value of all cryptocurrencies is currently $1.6 trillion. Bitcoin represents 43% of the total and Ethereum is 18%. The rest […]