WiFi – Update No. 3

There is so much going on in the WiFi arena that it is hard to keep up — even if you are more than a little interested. I am using these updates as a way to share what I have been able to learn with some opinions and observations thrown in at no extra charge! […]

Cantenna (show them your cans)

Thanks to Buzz Bruggeman at ActiveWords for telling me about Cantenna. I have been talking about the Pringles Can WiFi antenna for quite some time but Cantenna has taken the idea to the next level. If you’ve never heard of a Cantenna, don’t worry — you are not alone. A Cantenna is simply an inexpensive […]

WiFi – Update No. 2

Each day that goes by makes it more clear that WiFi is taking a parallel course to what we saw with the web nearly ten years ago. Many grass roots initiatives are underway and many established leaders of major companies are unable to see the shift. WiFi is doing for “access” what the web did […]

Pringles Can

I have been getting a lot of questions about the Pringles can. Here is a list of links where you can find it.

Le WiFi

The trip from Agenda 2003 in Phoenix to Paris for the IBM CIO conference was fifteen hours door to door. I can’t say it was a fun trip but thankfully it was uneventful. The conference was actually at Disneyland Paris which is in Marne La Vallee, an interesting place unto itself (with a really neat […]