Startup Investments Update

This is an update to the Startup Investments story from last week. I find the concept of Crowdfunding very interesting. Until now, it was often difficult for a startup company to get the funding it needed to carry out its idea and create a successful business. Angel investors who could each invest $100,000 or more […]

Startup Investments

When I retired from IBM at the end of 2001, I joined a number of boards, some for profit, some not-for-profit. I also got involved in a number of startup companies. Some of the startups were just an investment, and in others I took an active role. Startups are exciting. Most of them don’t make […]

30/30 Entrepreneurship

In early summer 2014, I was having a technical problem with my website. I visited some of the online freelancer sites to find someone who could solve the problem. Within minutes, after posting a paragraph describing the problem, I received a flood of proposals from people all over the world. Hourly rates ranged as low […]

Net Neutrality and Privacy

A number of my friends have asked what I thought of the White House undoing the FCC rules to protect consumer privacy. The concern is taking off the shackles will increase profits, but may not make the world a better place. I am cautiously optimistic things will be ok. In the short run, Comcast, Verizon, […]

Artificial Intelligence Will Change Everything

I have been writing about technology for more than 20 years. I never considered myself a futurist, but I have generally been accurate in predicting what is just over the hill, around the curve. Usually, my predictions have been about technology already available, but perhaps obscured or downplayed by many. I have often said in […]