iPhone 5 and Sonos
The first post about the iPhone here at patrickWeb was on January 10, 2007. Many iPhone stories have followed since then. I have to admit that I love the iPhone technology and the many things it makes possible. The iPhone 5 will be the sixth iPhone in my life. The string of past models includes […]
The Future of the Internet
There is an article called “The Future of The Internet” (by John Patrick) published in the April-May-June 2012 edition of Sun and Surf (a magazine created exclusively for property owners in Hammock Dunes – published quarterly) which may be read here.
kindlefire – 1
There are many reviews out there already about the new Kindle Fire (see Nook’s Specs Are Exaggerated, Again). I would not glority this posting by calling it a review — it is simply my first reaction upon receiving the kindlefire this afternoon. The fire was actually delivered to the Marriott Atlanta Century Center on Tuesday. […]
Book Stores
With the exception of one washout, this has been a great summer for motorcycling. Yesterday, it was a trike ride down to Bethlehem, PA taking only back roads to get there. It was about 75 miles from the lake. We saw a lot of downed trees and wires along the way. We parked the trike […]
R2D2 – WiFi – 1xRTT (Part 2)
A high school teacher named Kristen wrote to say that her students had been using some web pages from the patrickWeb blog as a source of information for their studies and projects. The posting below is one of the pages they found useful. The story was originally posted on June 10, 2003. One of the […]