Time for Internet Voting?

Time for Internet Voting? The House Committee on Suffrage and Electoral Reforms in Manila, Philippines approved the proposed Overseas Voting Act of 2023. The Bill would allow overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) to vote via the internet. This is great news and I hope other countries, including the United States, will adopt such forward thinking. One […]

Can Carbon Neutral and Electricity Be Compatible? by John R. Patrick

https://youtu.be/LOi0EcYAoi8 Can Carbon Neutral and Electricity Be Compatible? by John R. Patrick On this past Sunday, I listened to Fareed Zakaria interview Ajay Banga, the new President of the World Bank and formerly head of Mastercard. Being asked about world hunger, poverty, disease, and debt problems around the world, Mr. Banga said the most important […]

Will We Ever Get Rid of Passwords?

It seems every week I receive spam emails appearing to come from friends of mine. It is immediately clear they were hacked. How did they get hacked? By having a weak password like the example in the picture above. The top 25 passwords revealed through a study show similar examples like abcd1234, the person’s birthday, […]

Olympic Advertising

Olympic Advertising Written: 2016-08-10 Edited:   2021-08-06   It was a privilege to be able to attend the Olympics, from opening ceremony to closing ceremony, in Atlanta (1996), Nagano (1998), and Sydney (2000). The ceremonies get more extravagant each year and you have to wonder how they are going to top it the following year. The 2021 […]

Let’s Get The Politics Out Of Infrastructure

I believe the infrastructure of our country, states, and counties is critically important to our future. If we can get focused on infrastructure and global warming, the future for our kids and grandkids will be bright. All it takes is vision, leadership, and investment. Unfortunately, the issues have become politicized. In the case of infrastructure, […]