Advertising Shift

The Wall Street Journal reported that the Internet is poised to overtake newspapers as the second-largest U.S. advertising medium surpassed only by television. This should not come as a big surprise to any of us as we all know that print advertising has been in a nose down dive. We can see it in the […]

Conversational Media Summit – Part 2

Being a believer in Boxee, I have been following CEO & Co-Founder Avner Ronen for some time. He offered a very clear view of the future of TV. He said the graphical interface we see from our set top boxes is “embarrassing”. What you get on your iPhone and other small devices is actually getting […]

Amazon Wireless

Amazon is one of the few web sites that really and totally has their act together. In the Fall of 1995, I made a presentation in Atlanta to a group of CEOs about the Internet. I showed them various web sites that I was fascinated with at the time, mostly related to engineering, scientific, government […]

iPad – Part 8: In the Sun

Everyday I learn more about the iPad. While at the Lake over the holiday weekend there were two new lessons. Both support previous views that the Kindle is not only a keeper but also a continued necessity. First is that when three grandchildren get their hands on the iPad there is not much chance of […]

iPad – Part 7: Tale of Two Readers

At the Wired Conference in New York City last year Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, talked about his strategy for the Kindle. He described it as two-pronged. First is to make sure that Amazon content is readable on all the various devices in the market. The other prong is to make the Kindle competitive versus […]