iPhone – Update No. 16

For quite a few years the Palm Pilot or Palm Treo were my productivity tool of choice. What I liked most was the availability of third party applications. After all these years, Apple has come from nowhere in the smartphone business to showing Palm how they should have done it — the "app store". As […]

The Universal Cell Phone Charger

How many cell phone chargers have you thrown away in the last ten years? Not sure myself but a French study says that 2-3 million cell phone chargers become obsolete every month. The GSM Association says discarded chargers currently generate more than 51,000 tons of waste per year. Closets and drawers are strewn with old […]

In The Clouds (Part 3)

One might properly conclude from prior stories that I have become a real believer in Cloud Computing. From a personal perspective, the vision is simple. All of my documents, contacts, calendar entries, photos, music, patrickWeb content, and backup files safely and securely kept in various clouds. All contacts, calendar entries, and selected songs and pictures, […]

IBM Happenings: November 2008

The month of November was a busy month, as usual for IBM, filled with a slew of announcements in hardware, software, services, acquisitions, and strategic alliances. The list of announcements made during the month is below and the complete index of IBM Happenings (by year and month) is here. Included was the third annual “IBM […]

DEMOfall 2008 in San Diego

DEMO continues to be my favorite conference — the semi-annual event took place this past week in San Diego, California. It was an uneventful trip from Palo Alto, where I had visited Mediazone, and on to San Francisco for a flight with Southwest (possibly the best airline in operation in the states) to San Diego […]