Supernova 2008 – Part 3

Discussion about the mobile Internet is taking an increasing amount of the agenda at technology conferences. The scope is increasing dramatically with not just 3-6 billion mobile phones but with more and more of them having GPS, cameras, accelerometers, and other kinds of sensors to come. Nokia described a research project in which 150 students […]

iPhone – Update 10

There was a lot of news from Apple today about the new iPhone 3G. Bottom line — it is everything I predicted plus a lot more. Can’t wait to get one. There will be plenty to say about the announcements and I will begin sharing thoughts soon.


The final speaker at IBM’s Business Partner Leadership Conference in Los Angeles was Nick Donofrio, the company’s Executive Vice President for Innovation and Technology. Always an emotional, enthusiastic and at times nostalgic speaker, little did the audience know that the next day IBM would announce that Nick will be retiring on October 1 after a […]

South Africa 2008 – Infrastructure

We met Matimba Mbungela at Moyo’s for dinner. It was pleasantly warm at the table outside. It was the first time I had my face painted and the first time I had eaten oxtail. At the end of the evening there was another first. Matimba insisted on picking up the tab. The server came to […]

South Africa 2008 – Luggage Back Too

There is much to write about Africa and Internet technology, but I can not resist sharing about our luggage. We waited in line along with many others to provide information about the size and color of the missing bags. The agent entered the information and gave us a printout that was clearly from a decades-old […]