iPhone – continued

A number of people commented about the mini review of the iPhone from yesterday. Early experience from others mostly matches mine but some have pointed out things I missed — both positive and negative. After another day of use I am also learning new things that you can or can’t do. One thing I don’t […]

iPhone Out of the Bottle

Back in January I said I couldn’t wait to get an iPhone. Of course, I did wait, but not in line. The order was placed online the evening of June 29th and the confirming email said shipping would be within 2-4 weeks. Much to my surprise the iPhone left Shenzhen, China six days later and […]

China 2007 – Part 4

The Viking River Cruise began in Maoping and proceeded for 612 km (380 miles) along the Yangtze River. The Yangtze is the longest river in Asia and the third longest in the world after the Nile in Africa and the Amazon in South America. Some of the cities — there are 185 located throughout the […]


A friend of mine who knows a lot about investing told me years ago to not confuse a great company with a great stock. Apple Inc. finished the day at $97 per share which is 42.79 times earnings and represents a market capitalization of $83.4 billion, roughly double the value of Motorola. So I am […]


The snow on Wednesday was melting fast, the temperature was in the fifties, and the motorcycle ride was nice. Seemed almost like Spring, until I landed the next morning in blowing snow in Oslo, Norway. The snow has been continuous for the past two days but it does not seem to slow the Norwegians down […]