Startup Investments

When I retired from IBM at the end of 2001, I joined a number of boards, some for profit, some not-for-profit. I also got involved in a number of startup companies. Some of the startups were just an investment, and in others I took an active role. Startups are exciting. Most of them don’t make […]

Mobile Voting – Utah Becomes The Third

Utah County has joined Denver and West Virginia as the latest jurisdiction in the U.S. to implement blockchain-based mobile voting. The County will make voting much easier for military and dependents overseas in the upcoming municipal primary. Data from the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) shows in 2016 there were 3 million U.S. citizens living abroad […]

The Internet in 1994 and Now

I had been following the Internet with great interest and enthusiasm beginning in 1992, and in 1994 became a co-founder of the World Wide Web Consortium at MIT. There were not many people familiar with the Internet or the fast-growing application called the Web, which many people at the time called the information superhighway. It […]

Tesla Upgrade

Hard to believe, but the lease on my Tesla Model S 90D ended today. The 30,000 mile lease finished with 25,774 miles. I chose the lease option because of likely updates to the technology, which turned out to be true. The new lease started today and will also go for three years for the same […]

Apple iPhones and Watch Look Great

As usual, the Apple Keynote to introduce the new Apple Watch and three new iPhones, was done with great marketing aplomb. Apple has it down pat. Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them works every time. The new Watch will enable millions of people to […]