Apple Face Recognition

As usual, the Apple Keynote, which introduced the new Apple Watch, Apple TV, iPhone 8, iPhone 8+, and the iPhone X was done with great marketing aplomb. Apple executives acted like a great team and executed their usual: Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told […]

Ranked Choice Voting

Many benefits will accrue once we get Internet voting. Presently, the various hacking fears and calls to go 100% paper ballots, we will eventually get there. In addition to more accurate, safe, private, and verifiable voting, a new capability called Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) will be possible. Ranked choice voting, sometimes called instant run-off voting […]

Newsroom: Apple and Russian Hacking

As usual, the Apple Keynote, which introduced updates to watchOS, macOS, iOS, and tvOS was done with great marketing aplomb. Apple executives acted like a great team and executed their usual: Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them. It works every time. If you […]

Congressmen Want Internet Voting

Several House members have introduced a bipartisan resolution to modernize how Congress operates. It includes the ability to vote remotely or take part in hearings online. A California Congressman said, “Across the nation we see the development of new, innovative ways of conducting business to improve communication and connectedness. It’s time for Congress to learn to be more […]

Canadian Internet Voting

The anti-Internet voting activists are hard at work to preserve the status quo and scare politicians and Secretaries of State. They use papers and presentations to convince those who are responsible for elections in the American States and Canadian municipalities to believe “never is too soon” for Internet voting. As discussed in detail in Election Attitude […]