Apple – Underwhelming Products?

The WSJ reported today about Apple’s announcement of the iPhone 7. It said the product looked “practical, but not jaw-dropping. As usual the analysts don’t seem to fully appreciate the seamless integration Apple offers or the incredible new technology inside the iPhone. The new cameras and image processing capabilities truly are jaw dropping. There was a lot of criticism […]

Apple – A Disappointing Quarter?

The WSJ reported today, Apple “grappled with the first prolonged slump in iPhone sales since the product was introduced in 2007.” True enough, but I remain bullish about Apple. The company shipped 40.4 million iPhones in the quarter: 449 thousand every day, 19,000 every hour, 312 per minute, 5.2 per second. Nothing can go straight up to the moon–as […]


The image is square for a reason. It is not a book cover, it represents the Audible version of the book. About 20 years ago, I sat next to Don Katz, Founder and CEO of Audible, at a technology conference. I remember how bullish he was about audio books. Most people were skeptical at the time […]

Apple – A Platform Keynote

As usual, the Apple Keynote, which introduced updates to watchOS, macOS, iOS, and tvOS was done with great marketing aplomb. Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them works every time. Apple has it down pat. Dan Frommer over at Quartz, believes that Apple Keynotes, made not […]

Apple – A Disappointing Quarter?

Apple shipped 75 million iPhones in the last quarter: 831 thousand every day, 34,620 every hour, 877 per minute, 9.6 per second. The company shipped 5.3 million Macs, while PC shipments continued to fall. As usual after an Apple quarterly report, financial analysts were disappointed. As usual, I believe they are missing what Apple is all about. They seem to […]