Apple Watch A Dud?

As usual, the Apple Keynote at its Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) was done with great marketing aplomb. For two hours and 24 minutes, it was tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them. They do it masterfully every time. Also as usual, some financial analysts and […]

iPhone 6 Plus- Initial Review

The iPhone 6 Plus finished the journey from from ZhengZhou, China to Incheon, Korea; Anchorage; Louisville, Jamaica, NY; Windsor Locks, CT; Brookfield, CT; and on to my home in Ridgefield for an 11 am delivery. As usual with Apple products, the setup was a breeze. I took it out of the box, turned it on, went through the […]

iPhone 6 Plus – Part 3

The iPhone 6 Plus made it to Windsor Locks, CT this evening. Looks like there will be an on-time delivery sometime tomorrow. In the meantime, there is quite a bit of chatter about the bending of iPhones. Hard to tell if this is real or acts of photoshop. It it is real, then my thoughts are that […]

iPhone 6 Plus – Part 2

The iPhone 6 Plus continued during the past 24 hours to move like a checker across the board from Incheon, Korea to Anchorage, Alaska, to Louisville, Kentucky. Delivery was committed by end of day on Thursday, but perhaps I will get lucky and receive it tomorrow.

iPhone 6 Plus

The first pleasure of each iPhone is to watch the logistical system in action.  I ordered the iPhone 6 Plus at four AM on September 12.  It shipped from ZhengZhou, China eight days later, and then moved today to Incheon, Korea. I’ll post the subsequent moves during the week. I am looking forward to holding the […]