The Future Of Music

The IFPI (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry) [get a hint about the contemporary nature of the organization?] sees the digital music market taking off in 2005. I don’t think anyone would disagree after looking at a few key facts. The number of legitimate music download sites quadrupled to more than 225. The number of […]

Digital Music

Digital music consists of a large number of ones and zeroes. You can create digital music on a PC or with various digital musical instruments, but most digital music starts out as analog music. When you go to Alice Tully Hall in New York to hear a string quartet you are listening to analog music. […]

Doo Wop – Why Don’t They Stop

Most of the entries in the Favorite Concerts page are classical music concerts, but last night at The Ridgefield Playhouse was another kind of "classical" music. The "Doo-Wop and Oldies Spectacular" featured classics of the 50s & 60s. It was a real trip down memory lane with Emil Stucchio and the Classics (& Till Then& ), The […]

Give The Conductor A Doggie Bone

Thanks to readers for reminding that I have not posted a story for almost a week. My only excuse for not being more prolific during the last few days is that I have been very busy — board meetings, conference calls, some travel, a bit of motorcycle riding necessitated by occasional bursts of sunlight, and […]

Glass Update

Thanks to reader Vikk for pointing out a broken link to the story about The Glass Engine. The problem has been fixed and the story may be read here. The other thing I wanted to share was an advertisement I saw on the Metro North train today while returning from a board meeting in New […]