Marvelous Mozart Update

The story about the Marvelous Mozart Concert has been updated to include a review in the Danbury News-Times by Jim Pegolotti.

Conducting Update

A friend in Ridgefield took a few pictures during the rehearsal and at the Ridgefield Symphony Orchestra concert where I was privileged to be conducting the first movement of Mozart’s 25th symphony. I am humbled by the experience — especially having watched a DVD of the Great Conductors. I pale to nothing in significance compared […]

Mozart’s Music Warms Ridgefield Audience

Review of Ridgefield Orchestra Concert—January 10, 2003—Jim Pegolotti The Danbury News-Times Early January is a time when orchestras usually are silent, so it was a particular pleasure to attend an all-Mozart concert at the Ridgefield Playhouse on Saturday evening. The Ridgefield Orchestra, scaled down to an appropriate classical era size of 26 instrumentalists, planned to […]

Marvelous Mozart

There are so many wonderful composers in the world, but Mozart remains my favorite. The Ridgefield Symphony Orchestra planned a “Marvelous Mozart II” concert for Saturday night at the Ridgefield Playhouse. The “II” is because they did the same thing last year (see favorite concerts page). The “planned” is because Mother Nature intervened in a […]