Conducting Mozart 25.1 – Part 1

I am very fortunate to have many hobbies — especially motorcycling and music. I wrote about the origins of my love of music back in December 2000 (with a few minor edits since) so I won’t repeat it here — suffice it to say that my interest in music has continued to increase. I find […]

Some Very Nice Dance Music From The ’20’s and ’30’s

Thanks to Sophia Stern at NYU for telling me about a really neat music site where there are hundreds of old dance songs, done by a great jazz band in the 1920s and 30s. Try “Button up Your Overcoat” and “Forty-Seven Ginger-Headed Sailors.”

The Glass Engine

There is a very interesting new approach to searching and interacting with information at Unfortunately it requires Microsoft Internet Explorer. I suspect you will be as impressed as I was when you see this remarkable technology prototype. It was developed by Mark Podlaseck at IBM’s Hawthorne, New York Research Laboratory. The project started when […]

Russian Romantics at Ridgefield High School

Ridgefield Symphony Orchestra Concert – Saturday, April 6, 2002 Review By Courtenay Caublé – The Ridgefield Press Apr. 13, 2002 Though the announcement of the death of RSO Board member Joe Dailey (to whose memory the program was dedicated) was a sad opening note at the beginning of the Ridgefield Symphony Orchestra’s final concert this […]

Russian music in Ridgefield

Ridgefield Symphony Orchestra Concert – Saturday, April 6, 2002 Review By James Pegolotti – Danbury NewsTimes Musically speaking, the Russians invaded Ridgefield Saturday, with Maestro Sidney Rothstein leading the Ridgefield Sym phony in a program of 20th century Russian music. The orchestra’s final concert of the season was dedicated to the memory of Joseph P. […]