Worms and Potato Chips

Packaging is one of those things that most of us probably don’t think about a lot. That set of plastic, glass, paper, Styrofoam, cardboard, and poly-whatever that contains and protects things we buy. I think of packaging in two categories — that which something is stored in and that which something is shipped in. I […]

Customer Service

There have been many stories here over the years related to customer service. The Internet offers the potential for businesses, schools, governments, and hospitals to offer unparalleled customer service. More and more are doing so but there is a long way to go. When I wrote Net Attitude during the summer of 2001 I thought […]

Postal Parking – Redux

The story about the shortage of parking at the U.S. Post Office in Ridgefield brought some reaction, as expected. Some people feel the electronic alternative is nice if you have time to learn how to do it. Fair reaction but it strikes me that even more time is spent in line to park and even […]

Postal Parking

In the town where I live people don’t like the shortage of parking at the U.S. Post Office and so a proposal was born to tear down a nearby house and create an expanded parking lot. A debate has now arisen over the merits of tearing down the house, whether it is historic or not, […]


It seems that the term "On Demand" is not being used as much in advertising as it had been, however the concept is certainly still valid. On demand is closely tied to customer service and we have a long way to go before customer service fully meets our expectations. The concept is simple — give […]