Raising The Bar

Cingular just sent an email with the bold title of "Raising the Bar". I wish. The email said "Your wireless bill is ready online. Account Number: ***-****7607. Phone Number: XXX-XXX-0000". The account number was not mine and the phone number obviously belonged to no one. But wait, it gets worse. My recent email from Vonage […]

Overnight Shipping: Redux

I got a call from New York this morning. The documents that were overnighted and subject of the comedy of errors were delivered at 9:50 AM in the morning. While the shipping company web sites and customer service have a long way to go, their shipping infrastructure is nothing short of amazing. Once you engage […]

Overnight Shipping

The overnight shipping business is extremely competitive and in the end the winner will be the one that does the best job of building an easy to use on demand web site. The overnight companies are all trying hard and have made much progress but, as in all industries, there is quite a hill yet […]

Talking To Someone: Reader Feedback

Not everyone agreed with my point about not really wanting to talk to someone. Dale said, "Even the best machine systems fail". He gave an example of how Amazon took his order for a Christmas gift, promised a delivery date, and the gift has still not arrived". His bottom line was, "no dates, no numbers, […]

I Want To Talk To A Human: Not Really

Many people will undoubtedly be very sympathetic with today’s New York Times article, “Customer Service: The Hunt for a Human“. Some will conclude that the increasing difficulty (or impossibility) of talking to a human being, much less one with any authority, is one of the major downsides of the Internet. I don’t feel that way. […]