Privacy And Trust – Part 5

There was a cartoon by Peter Steiner in the July 5, 1993 issue of The New Yorker showing a dog at a PC speaking to another dog watching from the floor. The caption was, ?On the Internet nobody knows you’re a dog.? Very true and in fact nobody really knows for sure just who you […]

Inside ID – Summary

Before I continue with the Privacy and Trust series, Ins I wanted to summarize what I learned at the Inside ID conference in Washington. In my presentation I tried to set the stage for the conference by speaking about how the evolution of the networked world presents a staggering necessity and opportunity for organizations of […]

Phishing – Part 2

A number of readers were surprised to learn about phishing, and more than one suggested that I send the example to eBay. Actually, I am quite confident that eBay is on top of this issue. I suspect they scan continuously to find eBay fraud of all kinds — including phishing emails. eBay is an incredibly […]


In the Inside ID Conference report (part 4) I mentioned "phishing" as one of the types of fraudulent activity that is happening on the Internet. Today I received an example personally. This is such a blatant example of fraud I hope and suspect that the Federal Trade Commission is taking swift action. I also hope […]

Inside ID Conference – Part 5

I am planning this and one more story about things I learned at the Inside ID conference in Washington, D.C. and then I will continue to write stories that are part of the Privacy and Trust series. There were more than sixty exhibitors at the conference. Naturally, they all claimed to have *the* key ingredient […]