Signs of Intelligent Life in the Senate

Medicare has reimbursed for telehealth for some years, but only for remote areas of the country. The theory was telehealth was only good for people who are many miles from the nearest healthcare provider. As I discussed in Health Attitude: Unraveling and Solving the Complexities of Healthcare, telehealth is a good tool for anyone who […]

Healthcare Cost: High Spenders and Low Spenders Get Same Results

The Journal of the American Medical Association (Internal Medicine) published a new study on the cost of healthcare. Researchers analyzed 485,000 Medicare patient hospital visits between 2011 and 2014. The visits involved almost 22,000 hospitalists, medical specialists who work in the hospital. The number of tests and consultations prescribed for the patients varied widely, even within […]

Healthcare Common Sense: What Congress and the President Should Do

The good news is there is a lot of discussion in political circles about healthcare. The bad news is our political leaders, on both sides of the aisle, are not discussing the real problem. In Health Attitude: Unraveling and Solving the Complexities of Healthcare, I wrote about the many problems of the American healthcare system, but the […]

2017 – The Year of Telehealth

Telehealth is transforming medicine. The pace will accelerate in 2017 and the rapid adoption is presenting many questions to what I call the four Ps.  Patients. The WSJ reported the American Telemedicine Association has counted more than 15 million Americans having received some kind of medical care remotely. The ATA expects the number to grow […]

IBM Has Ideas for President Elect

Ginni Rometty,Chairman, President and CEO, at IBM Corporation sent an open letter to President-Elect Trump outlining a series of initiatives she believes would be helpful to the new administration and consistent with stated goals. As the leader of the nation’s largest technology employer, she has some points of view which should be listened to. The […]