
Connecticut and Medicaid

One of the questions I am asked the most is about whether America should have a single payer for healthcare. The idea sounds compelling to many, but I argue in Health Attitude the economy of scale would turn into a diseconomy of scale. Bigger is not always better. We have 50 states and all are […]

Obamacare and Healthcare Technology Startups

As I wrote in “Political Debates: Little Substance About Healthcare“, I had hoped to hear a lot of substance about healthcare reform during the political debates this year. So far, there has little substance. I doubt if any of the candidates in either party know what is in the ten parts of Obamacare, the Patient […]

Tomorrow’s Nurse

The American healthcare system continues to evolve to meet new needs. Nurses will play increasingly important and expanded roles. They will be vital for our aging population with chronic illnesses. Nurses will take on new duties as technological advances include genomics, genetics, informatics, and telehealth.  Nurses will develop new skills and competencies. The University of San Francisco developed an […]

Political Debates: Little Substance About Healthcare

The debates go on and little of substance is discussed about healthcare. I doubt if any of the candidates in either party know what is in the ten parts of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010. In Health Attitude, I wrote a non-partisan analysis. The ACA has some good things and some bad […]

What the Next President Should Do: Healthcare Common Sense

The 2016 political scene is unfolding. In less than a year, American citizens will decide who our next President will be. So far, in the debates, town halls, and speeches, little substance has been discussed about healthcare, despite the fact it is approaching 20% of our economy and touches every American. You could say the […]