How Many Surgeries Are Necessary?
As discussed in Health Attitude, the number one problem with our healthcare system is the high cost. There are many reasons for the high cost including fraud, inefficiency, big pharma runaway pricing, and unncessary tests and procedures. Some estimates put the cost of the latter factor at between $500 billion and $1 trillion. The cost is unsustainable […]
Do People Die Because They Have No Health Insurance?
One of the topics I wrote about in Health Attitude was about access and equity of healthcare in America. The access part is about the fact 30+ million people have no health insurance. The equity part is about the fact millions of people not having health insurance is not fair. In a prior posting I […]
John Patrick Op-Ed Appeared In Hartford Courant
The following op-ed appeared this morning (06/28/2015) in the Hartford Courant. On Thursday, the Supreme Court upheld Affordable Care Act subsidies for all Americans regardless of what health insurance exchange they use. The issue was whether qualified citizens who purchased health care insurance through the federal website are entitled to a subsidy. Opponents claimed […]
Supreme Court Ruling
This morning, the Supreme Court handed down a ruling on an important element of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ACA was signed into law in March 2010. The issue was whether citizens who purchased healthcare insurance through the federal website are entitled to a subsidy if they qualify. The legislation specified […]
A Drop in the Fraud Bucket
The WSJ reported this morning more than 200 people have been charged in the largest crackdown on suspected Medicare fraud to date. The alleged false billing amounted to $712 million. —amounting to roughly $712 million in allegedly false billing, officials said Thursday. Fraud-enforcement officials estimate 10% of Medicare’s yearly spending, more than $57 billion in […]