Will Robots Have Human Skin? by John R. Patrick

Will Robots Have Human Skin? by John R. Patrick Words: 532, Reading time: 2 minutes The traditional treatment for burns or extensive skin injuries has been skin grafts. This will be changing as scientists have made significant advancements in bioengineering which make it possible to grow patches of skin in the laboratory. The engineered grafts […]

Current Events by John R. Patrick – 05/26/2023

I changed the name of this section from What’s new? to Current Events by John R. Patrick. Feedback told me there was some confusion about “news”. The In The News section contains news about a new publication by me or a news story which mentions me or is about me.The Current Events by John R. […]

Recycling Renaissance

Recycling Renaissance Word count: 974 Reading time: 3.6 minutes One of the many things I learned from my dad was about recycling. Dad was a voracious reader of books and newspapers including The Wall Street Journal, the Philadelphia Bulletin, the Philadelphia Inquirer, and the south Jersey Salem Sunbeam. Newspapers would accumulate on the basement stairway […]

Current Events by John R. Patrick – 05/19/2023

Current Events by John R. Patrick – 05/19/2023 I changed the name of this section from What’s new? to Current Events by John R. Patrick. Feedback told me there was some confusion about “news”. The In The News section contains news about a new publication by me or a news story which mentions me or […]

Current Events by John R. Patrick – 05/12/2023

Current Events by John R. Patrick – 05/05/2023 I changed the name of this section from What’s new? to Current Events by John R. Patrick. Feedback told me there was some confusion about “news”. The In The News section contains news about a new publication by me or a news story which mentions me or […]