Current Events by John R. Patrick – 07/05/2024

In this section, I share what I am up to, pictures of the week, what is new in AI and crypto, and more. Update Dear readers, The last two weeks my weekly posts did not go out or were a day late. There was a technical problem at Mailchimp. I believe it is fixed and […]

Current Events by John R. Patrick – 06/21/2024

In this section, I share what I am up to, pictures of the week, what is new in AI and crypto, and more. Update Dear readers, Last week my weekly posts did not go out. There was a technical problem at Mailchimp. I believe it is fixed and am hoping you are receiving the email […]

Current Events by John R. Patrick – 06/07/2024

New sections may appear every week or just when I have something new to share. Current and upcoming JRP talks My latest talk was on June 4 at Heritage Hills in Somers, NY. I covered “The Rise of Bitcoin and the Rise of Bitcoin”. The auditorium was packed with about 150 people, mostly seniors. After […]

The Electric Vehicle Revolution: How is it doing?

The Electric Vehicle Revolution: How is it doing? Some say an electric vehicle revolution is underway. Others say it is headed south to the dumpster. Unfortunately, like just about every issue these days, the subject has become politicized. I will declare up front I am a registered independent and have been driving Teslas since 2015. […]

Current Events by John R. Patrick – 05/31/2024

New sections may appear every week or just when I have something new to share. Current and upcoming JRP talks My next talk is June 4 and Heritage Hills in Somers, NY. I’ll be covering “The Rise of Bitcoin and the Rise of Bitcoin”. My next talk will be at the Rivington Club in Danbury, […]