Internet Voting: Are we there yet?
There have already been multiple reports of voters being turned away at polling places due to lack of polling place preparation and other logistical failures. For example, the ABC affiliate in Detroit reported people who arrived at the polling place at Martin Luther King Jr. High School this morning were unable to vote because the […]
The Positive Potential of the Internet
There has been plenty of bad news about the Internet lately. Big tech spying on us, fake news, etc. I am optimistic these issues will get resolved, although it will take time. Meanwhile, there are a lot of good things happening in the world of the Internet and big tech. On election day we had […]
Author Visit Supports Wayne County Libraries
“An author makes a stop in Wayne County this evening for a book signing and to spread a positive message. Author Dr. John Patrick was at the Cocoon Coffeehouse in Hawley last night. Patrick currently has four books available and each one focuses on the importance of attitude. Everything from the internet, health care, our […]
Internet Voting With Blockchain
Kaya Yurieff, an associate writer focused on consumer technology for CNN Tech, interviewed me in February about Internet voting. Following are the first few paragraphs of her story which appeared online this week. You can do a lot on a smartphone, from depositing a check to ordering groceries. But here’s one thing you can’t do: vote […]
Genesys Partners Venture Dinner
Genesys CEO Jim Kollegger asked me to discuss my point of view called It’s All About Attitude and describe each of my four books. I said sure, how much time will I have. He said five minutes. Ten minutes would be more realistic, I said. The final YouTube video is Six minutes and 51 seconds. […]