Ranked Choice Voting
Many benefits will accrue once we get Internet voting. Presently, the various hacking fears and calls to go 100% paper ballots, we will eventually get there. In addition to more accurate, safe, private, and verifiable voting, a new capability called Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) will be possible. Ranked choice voting, sometimes called instant run-off voting […]
Russian Hacking
As I described in an audio podcast last week (click here if you would like to listen to the interview), Russian hacking is not the most important story for the press to be spending so much time on. The Russians have been using propaganda and information related techniques to meddle for decades. That is nothing […]
Digital Politics: Russian Hacking
Karen Jagoda, President at E-Voter Institute, interviewed me last week for Digital Politics. She asked really good questions about Russian hacking and what is holding back Internet voting. Karen said, “John reminds us that there is no national voting infrastructure but rather hundreds of systems used by state and local authorities to register voters, and allow […]
Congressmen Want Internet Voting
Several House members have introduced a bipartisan resolution to modernize how Congress operates. It includes the ability to vote remotely or take part in hearings online. A California Congressman said, “Across the nation we see the development of new, innovative ways of conducting business to improve communication and connectedness. It’s time for Congress to learn to be more […]
Political Hacking and Internet Voting
France has joined the U.S. and other countries as a victim of hacking and fraudulent postings in various political systems. These activities are only tangentially related to Internet voting, which I continue to advocate. Unfortunately, the fear arising out of the hacking is holding back progress toward modern voting. We must not forget in 2012 and […]