Senior Scam – A Fraudulent Promotion and Privacy Theft

This week, I received a special offer in the mail; not email, USPS mail. The three part form and format were designed to deceive you and make you think it was an official government document. It was labeled 2017 DEATH BENEFIT INFORMATION. UNITED STATES MAIL RECIPIENT. Then in small print, IMPORTANT NON-GOVERNMENTAL DOCUMENT ENCLOSED ON INSURANCE […]

Penetanguishene Internet Voting

I cannot pronounce it, but Penetanguishene is a town in Simcoe County, Ontario, Canada. It is one of many which has decided to go with Internet voting at the municipally level in 2018. The Town Council voted in favor of Internet and telephone voting exclusively for the 2018 Municipal Election. In 2014, the town had used both paper […]

Canadian Internet Voting

The anti-Internet voting activists are hard at work to preserve the status quo and scare politicians and Secretaries of State. They use papers and presentations to convince those who are responsible for elections in the American States and Canadian municipalities to believe “never is too soon” for Internet voting. As discussed in detail in Election Attitude […]

Internet voting on trial: Problem or Panacea for Democracy?

The 23rd Annual Genesys Partners Venture Dinner and Forum — Genesys XXIII– was held Tuesday night at the Union League Club in New York.  The event was attended by approximately 100 invited venture capitalists, investors, journalists, entrepreneurs, and industry executives. The Forum preceeding the reception and dinner was called “Internet voting on trial: Problem or Panacea […]

IBM And Maersk Apply Blockchain To Container Shipping

The 35 year old twins, Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, have developed a $100m.bitcoin exchange traded fund (ETF) for bitcoin. If the pending decision from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) provides approval, the result will be a new means for investors to gain exposure to bitcoin without actually buying the digital currency. The pending decision plus numerous […]