Clinical Trials for Stem Cell-based Cartilage Underway

One subject among my weekly e-briefs which consistently generates a lot of feedback is related to knees. One thing baby boomers have in common is the need for joint replacements. The number of hip and knee replacements in the U.S. is roughly one million per year, 2/3 of which are knees. Over the years ahead, projections […]

3D-Printable Knees

One subject among my weekly e-briefs which consistently generates a lot of feedback is knees. One thing baby boomers have in common is the need for joint replacements. The number of hip and knee replacements in the U.S. is roughly one million per year, 2/3 of which are knees. Over the years ahead, projections indicate there […]

3D Printing of Body Parts

The merger of biological and non-biological parts in the human body is underway. It is not hard to imagine amazing cures for things previously thought impossible. Thousands die every year while waiting for a transplant. That will become history. Clinicians can’t print an operating human liver yet, but they can print liver tissue. Progress is […]

Robots with Human Skin

I have been following the development of robots for a number of years. The subject will fit nicely in the Attitude book series I have been writing. One aspect I find quite interesting is how much robots are becoming more like humans. Not the robots which build Tesla cars or load boxes in Amazon warehouses, […]