International Space Station

The International Space Station has been up there for 25 years and has conducted 4,000 experiments.
Autonomous Cars

Autonomous driving is not here but is on the way. There are five levels. Most are at level 2.
An Amazing Solar Probe

An Amazing Solar Probe NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, was established in 1958 in response to the Soviet Union’s space achievements. Since its inception, NASA has led America’s space exploration efforts, including iconic missions like Project Mercury, Project Gemini, and the Apollo Moon landings. NASA’s budget has fluctuated over the years, peaking […]
Happy Nesting

Happy Nesting Next week, I will get back to blog posts about healthcare, science, technology, space, and other topics. Thanks to all my readers for their feedback. I wish you all a Happy New Year. New Year’s Eve celebrations date back to ancient Babylon around 2000 BCE, evolving through Roman festivals and medieval Christian […]
Current Events by John R. Patrick – 10/10/2024

In this section, I share what I am up to, pictures of the week, what is new in AI and crypto, and more. Voice I have been experimenting with adding voice to my blog posts. This will enable readers to listen rather than read. To try it out, click the “Listen to Post” at the […]