Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing AI is still at the top of my list of technologies which will change the world, and it is already beginning to happen. Another transformative technology further out but which is beginning to get press coverage is quantum computing. Quantum computers promise to revolutionize industries ranging from artificial intelligence to drug […]
Massive Computing and Data

Massive Computing and Data We are moving at a breakneck pace into an era defined by unprecedented amounts of computing power and an explosion of data. I believe this trend will reshape all aspects of both our personal and professional lives. Another explosion is happening with the Internet of Things (IoT). Devices range […]
An Amazing Solar Probe

An Amazing Solar Probe NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, was established in 1958 in response to the Soviet Union’s space achievements. Since its inception, NASA has led America’s space exploration efforts, including iconic missions like Project Mercury, Project Gemini, and the Apollo Moon landings. NASA’s budget has fluctuated over the years, peaking […]
What is the Difference Between Stiffness and Toughness?
What is the Difference Between Stiffness and Toughness? One thing baby boomers and their predecessors have in common is the need for joint replacements. The number of hip and knee replacements globally is expected to exceed two million per year by 2030. Some projections indicate there may not be enough surgeons to handle the rapidly […]
Will Robots Have Human Skin? by John R. Patrick

Will Robots Have Human Skin? by John R. Patrick Words: 532, Reading time: 2 minutes The traditional treatment for burns or extensive skin injuries has been skin grafts. This will be changing as scientists have made significant advancements in bioengineering which make it possible to grow patches of skin in the laboratory. The engineered grafts […]