One More Off the Bucket List
One of the things on our Bucket List has been to cruise across the Atlantic Ocean. The journey started on September 10 when we flew from JFK to London. The Norwegian Air flight in a Boeing 787 Dreamliner was a special treat. The business class airfare was a little more than 10% of fares from […]
My First Job: IBM 50 Years Ago
Hard for me to believe, but I finished engineering school and joined IBM 50 years ago today, June 1. I was very fortunate to have many jobs during 35 years there. Introducing the IBM ThinkPad in 1992 was special, but my job as Vice President and Chief Technology Officer for IBM’s Internet activities was definitely the […]
50th Reunion at Lehigh University
Thanks to fellow Lehigh University alumus, Tom Healy, for telling me about a It is hard for me to believe, but, this weekend was my 50th reunion after graduating from the College of Engineering at Lehigh University in 1967. I was really proud of the Class. We had 100 attendees, including four from Kappa Sigma, […]
30/30 Entrepreneurship
In early summer 2014, I was having a technical problem with my website. I visited some of the online freelancer sites to find someone who could solve the problem. Within minutes, after posting a paragraph describing the problem, I received a flood of proposals from people all over the world. Hourly rates ranged as low […]
Return from Southeast Asia
I have been traveling for the past 20 days and somewhat out of touch. My weekly e-brief will now return to short posts about new developments in healthcare, technology, and Internet voting. This post will include a brief summary of my travels and some links to some sites and photos for those who may be […]