Last Leg
We spent yesterday on the island of Koh Samui. Saw some very intelligent monkeys and elephants. Now cruising along the east coast of Malaysia on the way to Singapore, the last leg of the sea bound trip. We will then be just 9,581 miles from home.
On to Thailand from Vietnam
Our days in Hong Kong were great. The visits to Chan May, Nha Trang, and Saigon in Vietnam were even better. The trip up the Saigon river was especially interesting because of the huge variety of ships we saw. Economic development was abundantly clear. Ho Chi Minh City was extremely interesting. We saw the Pagoda, […]
Travel in Southeast Asia
I am somewhat out of touch for awhile due to travel. On Friday 10/14, I traveled to Malibu to participate in a panel at Election 2.016 at Pepperdine University. From there back to Denver to visit with family and then back to San Francisco and on to Hong Kong. Weather in Hong Kong was really […]
Cruising with X-Rays
AIDA Cruises is an American/British owned German cruise line based in Rostock, Germany. AIDA offers cruises to many parts of the world including North America, Northern Europe, Western Europe, Southeast Asia, and the Mediterranean. The cruise line announced a telemedicine partnership with the Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at Rostock University. Shipboard medical personnel will now be able to share x-ray […]
Is America’s Infrastructure Crumbling?
During Motorcycle Trip 2016, we saw a large amount of heavy construction taking place in all 11 states we traveled through. When politicians talk about America’s crumbling infrastructure, they usually refer to roads, bridges, and airports. These are important but there are many more areas of equal, or perhaps greater, importance. For example, traveling through […]