Vortex 2003 – The Why-Fi Debate

The VORTEX 2003 conference begins this coming Sunday (5/18). I am looking forward to seeing many friends and colleagues from the industry and the media. It will also be exciting to participate in a debate on Tuesday morning with Peter A. Bernstein, President, infonautics Consulting, Inc. entitled “Why-Fi: Will 802.11 be the most disruptive technology […]

Always On — almost: part 2

Nothing like being at Washington National Airport on a Friday afternoon waiting for a flight. I have to admit that having the Sprint PCS CDMA card in my ThinkPad makes it more bearable. WiFi will be everywhere but it isn’t yet. Dial-up is hardly an acceptable alternative. Sprint’s “3G” service *is* a good alternative (see […]

Will Wi-Fi Fly?

The cover story in Barron’s this week was entitled “Will Wi-Fi Fly?“. The sub-title was “Wireless networks are proliferating, but making money will be tricky”. Eric Savitz did a really good job covering WiFi in a very comprehensive way. I enjoyed discussing my views with him and he quoted me several times in his story. First […]

WiFi – Update No. 8 (coming)

WiFi Update No. 8 will be posted in the morning. I just finished it but it needs a spell-check and some editing. WiFi Update No. 8