Net Neutrality

A number of my friends have asked what I thought of the FCC voting for Net Neutrality. Many people interpret the move to regulate the Internet as a sign of government controls, more regulation, and even stifling innovation. I do not see it that way at all. I am not in favor of more government […]

Italy 2015

The board of trustees of OCLC meets at least five times per year. We usually meet in the headquarters city, which is Dublin, Ohio. Once per year we meet somewhere outside of Dublin. The last few such meetings were in Boston, Seattle, and Toronto. This year it was in Florence, Italy. My wife and I decided […]

The heart of the problem

Why couldn’t my wire transaction have been a few mouse clicks on a web page? Is it a technology problem? Definitely not. It would not be much more complex than clicking to buy a book or reserving a hotel room. Encryption technology and digital ID technology are available from numerous companies that could have secured […]

The Next Generation of the Internet

The Internet we use today is undergoing a massive evolution — bringing about far more change in the next few years than in the last ten. The Next Generation of the Internet, or NGi, will make today’s Internet seem primitive! Many parts of the NGi are here already. Everyone doesn’t have it yet but millions […]

Genesys XX

The 20th Annual Genesys Partners Venture Dinner — Genesys XX– Tuesday night at the Union League Club in New York included nearly 100 invited venture capitalists, investors, journalists, entrepreneurs, and industry executives. As always, Jim Kollegger — CEO of Genesys Partners and one of the pioneers of the information industry — was an elegant master […]