Christmas candle

I am combining a Christmas attitude with Home Attitude. For a limited time, the Kindle version of Home Attitude is available on Amazon for $4.49. You can click on the box on the right side of the Amazon page where it says, “Give as a Gift for $4.49“.  Amazon will ask for your friend or family’s email, and you can add a message. The other combination of Christmas attitude and Home Attitude is the following description of some home automation I use at home.

By making your house smart, you can enhance security and energy savings, but you can also gain convenience. I described various aspects of this in the book. One of them is lighting. Perhaps the ultimate lighting convenience at my home occurs at Christmas time. For decades, my wife has meticulously placed electric holiday candles in all the windows of the home which face the street. Each candle has a small lightbulb. As it gets dark, she would go to each candle and screw in the lightbulb, and then, at bedtime, one of us would go back and unscrew the lightbulbs to turn them off (easier than unplugging). When the home became a smart home, the process changed. The home automation hub has a schedule for Christmas lights. Each day, between November 28 and December 28, at 15 minutes before sunset, the receptacles where the candles are plugged in automatically turn on. At 11:30 PM, all the candle lights turn off. That is a home attitude.