Community Open Forum

If you are in Florida next month, consider dropping in to Florida Hospital Flagler in Palm Coast. Hosted by Bill Tol, Planned Giving Coordinator, the Community Open Forum series offers lectures on a range of topics. I will be there on March 23 to talk about “Healthcare in the Era of the Cloud”. The first 50 attendees to call in their reservation will receive a signed copy of Health Attitude: Unraveling and Solving the Complexities of Healthcare.

The Internet is changing how we manage our health. The personal healthcare revolution is just beginning, and massive changes are coming. The changes will include new medical devices, medical records in the cloud, and a change in attitude. As I said in Health Attitude , “It’s not disease, dollars, or doctors standing in the way of safe and affordable healthcare. The solution includes a new health attitude of patients, providers, payers, and policymakers.” I will be referring to Health Attitude, but also the brand new version of Net Attitude: What it is, How to Get it, and Why it is More Important Than Ever.

The event will be on Friday, March 23, 2016, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Florida Hospital Flagler Lind Education Center, Classroom C/D at 60 Memorial Medical Parkway, Palm Coast, Florida. For more information or to RSVP, call (386) 586-4440 or email [email protected].