The conducting lessons with Maestro Sidney Rothstein were over. He had taught me a lot in a short time and was about ready to push me out of the nest to raise the baton and conduct. The first rehearsal broke the ice and I realized it was actually possible for me to conduct not just an MP3 on the home audio system but real people — professional musicians. It is the people who make all the difference. The key question for me was whether the musicians would accept me as their temporary maestro. No doubt, the question on their minds was whether I had learned enough about conducting to not embarrass myself and the orchestra or would they have to stare at the floor for fear that my conducting would distract them from playing the music.

Saturday afternoon was the last rehearsal and in preparation I took my baton once more and did some "armchair conducting" with the Mozart and Klemperer. The rehearsal went fine but more importantly I got there a bit early and was able to get to know some of the musicians better. The concertmaster told me about her four children, a cellist told me about the music class he teaches in Scarsdale, New York, and another cellist told me he had read this weblog and had some interesting observations about blogging. Another musician was from the Ukraine and he told me he had been there two years ago to see his mother. Some of the musicians teach tens of hours per week traveling from home to home helping create the next generation of professionals. The orchestra is a highly diverse group of people and each brings a wealth of cultural and musical experience.

Jeno Herceg of Jeno Herceg Clothier & Formal Wear in Ridgefield had tailored my tuxedo with tails, Tate Newland had provided a beautiful baton, Sidney had taught me the basics of conducting, and most importantly, the musicians had accepted me as part of their team. I was as ready as I going to be. The musicians had warmed up, the concertmaster came out amidst applause and tuned the orchestra, and Sidney was behind the curtain ready to tap me on the sholder to signal me to the stage. I have been on the stage hundreds of times to make speeches about "The Future Of The Internet" but never before to be part of such an incredible team of professionals. I gave a small bow to acknowledge the audience, shook hands with the concertmaster, and took my position on the box. I smiled at the musicians and they smiled back. We were ready to perform together. As Lawrence Welk said, "a one and a two" and off we went. We started together and we ended together. It was the most exciting seven minutes of my life. The audience seemed happy but not as happy as me. I turned and asked the performers to stand. After I turned from taking a bow I saw musicians applauding. I felt very blessed to have had the opportunity to be a guest conductor.

P.S. There may be a picture to be posted later. There are two local newspapers which write reviews of the Ridgefield Symphony Orchestra concerts. Most of the coverage should be devoted to the spectacular performance of Spohr by the Tourmaline Quartet.