On May 1st, the Danbury Area Computer Society will hold it’s monthly meeting, and it will be my honor to give a talk there about The Future. This will be the twenty-sixth year in a row that I have shared my thoughts with this fine group. The meeting will be open to the public and will take place in the auditorium at Danbury Hospital at 6:30PM. Following is an article by Bert Goff about what I will be discussing. As always, I will learn a lot from the Q&A session. The talk is at 6:30 PM. No RSVP is required.

May 2018 – It’s All About Attitude – How It Could Change the Future by John R. Patrick

Dr. John R. Patrick

It’s All About Attitude – How It Could Change the Future by John R. Patrick

Date: May 1st, 2018, 6:30 pm
Location: Danbury Hospital Creasy Auditorium
Presenter: John R. Patrick

By Bert Goff

DACS is very pleased to have John R. Patrick return for another of his future focused presentations.  This time he will share his recent research and his crystal ball looking ahead while weaving a theme through his books covering Net Attitude, Health Attitude, Election Attitude, and his newest, Home Attitude, plus a hint at upcoming Robot Attitude.  Please bring your questions on these areas, more details below.  John looks forward to responding to questions and a lively discussion with attendees. 
Please note that the meeting will begin at 6:30 PM, an hour earlier than usual.

John Patrick believes many opportunities and problems have their roots in attitude. He also believes the solutions and ways forward are based on attitude. In his revealing talk, John will offer a positive perspective on how an attitude change can reap major improvements.  These concepts will be emphasized using illustrations from his recent books:

  • We have had the Internet available to us for decades, yet many websites frustrate us and fall short of meeting our rising expectations. Reason: lack of a net attitude. Some websites offer a couple of clicks experience, and at others we click and nothing happens. With a strong attitude, much more is possible, including Internet voting, improved healthcare, homes which mirror our lifestyle, and websites which make our lives simpler.
  • Our healthcare system is not affordable, and in a global comparison, is not as safe as it could be. John describes how attitude changes by patients, providers, payers, and policymakers can result in a healthcare system which is safe and affordable. The savings from the attitude changes could easily make it possible to have healthcare for all Americans.
  • In each of the elections of 2012 and 2016, 100 million people who were eligible to vote did not. In most cases, the attitude problem was not with the potential voters, but with technologists and election officials who resist change to our 150-year-old voting system. Technology exists to make it easy to vote, and the increased participation can strengthen our democracy.
  • Although building materials have changed somewhat over the years, most houses, apartments, and condos work the same way they did decades ago. We flip a switch, turn a door lock knob, or turn the dial on a thermostat. Technology is now available to automate many things in our homes. By applying a home attitude, it is possible to have a smart home which has enhanced security, reduced energy use, and many conveniences.

John R. Patrick is president of Attitude LLC and former Vice President of Internet Technology at IBM. John has degrees in electrical engineering, management, law, and health administration.