Election Attitude: How Internet Voting Leads to a Stronger Democracy (It’s All About Attitude (John R. Patrick’s 6 Book Series)

by John R. Patrick  (Author)

Part of: It’s All About Attitude (John R. Patrick’s 6 Book Series) (6 books)

✓ Complex problems can be addressed if the right Attitude is applied.

Welcome to the “It’s All About Attitude” Book Series©. The series began in 2001 with the publishing of Net Attitude©: What It Is, How to Get It, and Why Your Company Can’t Survive Without It. All the books in the series are available in paperback and Kindle. Election Attitude© and Health Attitude© are also available in Audible. You can find sample chapters of all the books here, and reviews of the books here. As you will find in all my books, I believe most big problems and big solutions involve Attitude. I hope you enjoy reading the It’s All About Attitude Series.
✓ Dr. John R. Patrick is President of Attitude LLC™ and former Vice President for Internet Technology at IBM, where he worked for thirty-five years. During his IBM career, John was Vice President of Marketing for the launch of the IBM ThinkPad brand. 

#1 Question:   Why do so many read Attitude books?
#1 Answer:    To read a book that makes more sense, that is structured for easy understanding and that gives you a New Attitude about extremely important issues today. And, they are beautiful books!

Some of my Top readers that formed a New Attitude.

  • Stephen K. Klasko, M.D., M.B.A., President and CEO, Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health System
  • Skip Prichard, President & CEO, OCLC
  • James G. Neal, Columbia University Librarian Emeritus
  • Peg Grimm, Pennsylvania Healthcare Consumer
  • Robin Felder, Ph.D., Chair Medical Automation.org and Professor of Pathology, University of Virginia

LEARN MORE and View Sample Chapters > 

Welcome to the “It’s All About Attitude” Book Series. 

The series began in 2001 with the publishing of Net Attitude: What It Is, How to Get It, and Why Your Company Can’t Survive Without It. As you will find in all my books, I believe most big problems and big solutions involve Attitude. A sentence or two for each book will make it clear. When it comes to the Internet, some companies view the site as their, to provide them information they need. Companies who have adopted a net attitude believe their website is for their customers so they make it easy to use and focused on how customers want to use the site. Health Attitude is all about attitude. Attitude of patients, providers, payers, and policymakers. Each needs to fine tune their attitude to improve healthcare. Millions of Americans are disenfranchised. There are many reasons why they don’t vote. Too difficult to get to the poles, dependency on unreliable mail outside of the U.S., extremely difficult for those with disabilities, and in many cases, just far to inconvenient. An election attitude makes it easy to vote using mobile blockchain voting. It can be safe, secure, convenient, accurate, and verifiable. People with a robot attitude see the upside to using robots and artificial intelligence to make things easier. There are millions of jobs which are boring or dangerous, and with a labor shortage, now is the time for a robot attitude. Those with a home attitude want to make their house smart. They find a smart home can be more secure, energy efficient, and enjoyable. Reflection Attitude shares a collection of articles I have written over the past 30 years. The topics of the articles are diverse including business, crypto, robots, technology, motorcycles, aviation, climate, music, and more. After each article, I share what I got right and wrong and reflect on the future.

All the books in the series are available in paperback and Kindle. Election Attitude and Health Attitude are also available in Audible. Please visit the book series pages on Amazon: one for the Kindle versions and one for the paperback versions. I hope you enjoy reading the It’s All About Attitude Series.