Election season is upon us. The 2016 Election Countdown Clock shows 87 days to go. Millions of citizens will cast their votes. We should be concerned about how many will actually be counted. Other headlines about voter registration and voting are making headlines. The four stories highlighted below are just a small sample. There are many important issues. Our voting machines are antiquated and at risk. Mail in votes are subject to fraud. Military and overseas voters have paper based voting which has failed terribly and disenfranchised millions. All of that and much more is discussed in Election Attitude – How Internet Voting Leads to a Stronger Democracy. The book is not about the candidates or the politics of the electoral college. It is about the fundamentals of voting and how Internet voting leads to a stronger democracy. The book is now available at Amazon in print. The Kindle version will be out in roughly a week.
With millions heading to the polls in three months, concerns are growing over the possibility of a rigged presidential election
Source: Hacker demonstrates how voting machines can be compromised – CBS News
Trump is already warning the election’s going to be ‘rigged.’ Maybe, maybe not. But hacking the vote—and throwing the country into chaos—is terrifyingly simple.
Source: How Hackers Could Destroy Election Day – The Daily Beast
A federal appeals court in Chicago reinstated Wisconsin’s voter identification law Wednesday, setting aside a lower court order that would have allowed citizens to vote without producing ID required by the law.
Source: Appeals Court Reinstates Wisconsin Voter-ID Law – WSJ
Forcing people to vote might be against our values — but it could be only defense against demagogues
Source: It won’t happen, but compulsory voting might be the only solution to political ignorance in America
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