Folks on Spokes
The Hammock Dunes Bicycle Club members call themselves “Folks on Spokes”. The Sunday morning weather in Palm Coast, Florida was perfect and eight of us enjoyed a 30-mile ride. We always stop for breakfast–75% or so of the way through the ride–and have a good time socializing. We talk about technology, healthcare, politics, bicycling, and other topics. This time breakfast was at the Oceanside Beach Bar & Grill. They have nice outdoor seating and the service and food are excellent. Shortly after sitting down, a young man stopped by the table to say that he had been trying to talk his father into taking up riding and he asked if he could take our picture to provide some marketing material for his mission. He probably described us as “Old folks on spokes”.
One of our spokespersons said that we were all 80 years old and that we normally ride 35 miles per day. Slight exaggeration on both counts! As we got talking about age, everybody volunteered their number and I was pleased to learn that I will no longer be chided for being the youngest of the group. It turns out that one member will turn 68 in November, three months after me. The more relevant part about ages is that the leader of the group is 75, the oldest, and I find it hard to keep up with him.  
A friend and I took a follow-up 20-mile ride the next morning. I felt wiped out from the Sunday ride, but somehow found the energy to endure the ride, although completely expended. While riding on a boardwalk on the Lehigh trail in Palm Coast, we saw a large alligator who must have been expended also. Another rider said she had been watching for an hour and the alligator had not moved a muscle. See alligator picture.