Agility First! Forum
Health Attitude was published on Wednesday, March 18, 2015. The launch took place on Tuesday, March 24 at the Agility First! Forum Dinner at the Union League Club in New York. The Forum took place the next day. I will be writing about the dinner and the Forum later. Please click here to make sure you are on the list to receive updates.
Thanks very much to all those who gave me ideas, identified typos in the early drafts, and offered encouragement along the publishing journey. My special thanks to editor Kathleen Imhoff for her countless suggestions that helped crystallize the story I want to tell. The initial version of Health Attitude is available in print on Amazon. It is also available at the CreateSpace eStore. Get a 15% discount on any quantity code 3ZCLVD9F. The Kindle version will be available on or hopefully before April 1. An Audible version will follow.
My goal with Health Attitude is to have a positive impact on our healthcare system. It is worse than you may think, but the opportunities to make it better are far greater than you may think. That is what Health Attitude is about: unraveling the complexity of healthcare and offering solutions. It’s not disease, dollars, or doctors standing in the way of safe and affordable healthcare. The solution includes a new health attitude of patients, providers, payers, and policymakers. I will be making regular posts to expand on concepts in the book. Thanks for your interest in Health Attitude.