Health Attitude Front CoverHave questions about the book or what doctors think of our healthcare system? Come to the Danbury Hospital auditorium on Tuesday, May 5, at 6:30 PM. The evening will be part of the monthly meeting of the Danbury Area Computer Society (DACS). After a short presentation about Health Attitude, I will introduce a panel of experts from the Western Connecticut Health Network (WCHN). They will join me in a discussion about healthcare.

The WCHN medical and healthcare experts will include:

bullet Dawn Myles, APRN, Vice President , Quality and Patient Safety at Western Connecticut Health Network

bullet Aparna Oltikar, MD, Chairman of the Department of Medicine for Danbury and New Milford Hospitals

bullet Cary Passik, MD, Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery at The Praxair Regional Heart and Vascular Center at Danbury Hospital

Tom Zarecki, Adjunct Professor, Communication & Media Arts Department, Western Connecticut State University will moderate the discussion. The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions. Admission is free and no reservation is required. The first 25 DACS members to attend will receive an autographed copy of Health Attitude. There are ten more Health Attitude book events planned between now and the end of June.

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