What is The Amazing Health Attitude©™

“A fresh and insightful perspective on American healthcare. Health Attitude presents an optimistic future where innovation, technology, empathy and sound business principles collide into a “big-bang” of better healthcare!”


In the enlightening and timely new book, Health Attitude: Unraveling and Solving the Complexities of Healthcare, Dr. John R. Patrick unravels the American healthcare system in terms even newcomers to the healthcare policy debate will understand. He arrives at the fascinating conclusion improving healthcare delivery and outcomes is not solely a matter of technology or cost. It’s a matter of attitude.


“It’s not disease, dollars or doctors standing in the way of safe, affordable healthcare,” says Dr. Patrick. “The solution includes a new health attitude for patients, providers, payers, and policymakers. Only when we confront the challenges of the healthcare system can we create meaningful change.”

In Health Attitude, Dr. Patrick unveils his strategy for true healthcare reform which includes a system focused on patients and explores the fascinating potential of new technology which can transform the industry. He paints a positive vision to make these solutions a reality, leading to more affordable and effective healthcare for all.


Throughout the pages of Health Attitude, timely topics explored include:

•The cultural, attitudinal, and technological barriers holding back the United States from achieving a more affordable, accessible, and effective healthcare system.

•The positives and negatives of Obamacare, and whether it should be repealed.

•The reasons behind the high costs of healthcare, including fraud, waste, unnecessary tests, and expensive drugs.

•How the combination of cloud computing, big data, analytics, mobile devices, 3-D printing and robots will revolutionize medical care.

•The consumer-based movement taking shape right now in healthcare, as patient attitudes and expectations are changing.

Praise for Health Attitude

“When we look back ten years from now on the revolution that occurred in healthcare, John Patrick’s book Health Attitude will be viewed as one of the prologues of that revolution. We tend to overestimate technology in the short term and underestimate its role in the long term. Simply put, this book presents an optimistic future where innovation, technology, empathy and sound business principles collide into a “big-bang” of better healthcare!”

Stephen K. Klasko, M.D., M.B.A., President and CEO, Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health System


“As one of the world’s technology pioneers, John Patrick is a sought after innovator and strategic thinker. In Health Attitude, Patrick paints a grim portrait of America’s healthcare system today, then unveils a canvas upon which we can create a better future using technology.”

Skip Prichard, President & CEO, OCLC


“John Patrick brings a fresh and insightful perspective to the healthcare debates in the U.S. His experience as technologist, entrepreneur and patient enables new thinking and innovative strategies that should drive policy, planning and delivery.”

James G. Neal, Columbia University Librarian Emeritus


“Health Attitude offers a valuable perspective for a layperson who makes healthcare decisions for his or her family and parents. It provides great hope for improved and more affordable healthcare ahead.”

  Peg Grimm, Pennsylvania Healthcare Consumer


“John Patrick’s Health Attitude clearly lays out a roadmap toward healthcare efficiency, which will result in an affordable and effective wellness based system in the future.”

  Robin Felder, Ph.D., Chair Medical Automation.org and Professor of Pathology, University of Virginia

#1 Question:   Why do so many read Attitude books?
#1 Answer:    To read a book that makes more sense, that is structured for easy understanding and that gives you a New Attitude about extremely important issues today. And, they are beautiful books!

Some of my Top readers that formed a New Attitude.

  • Stephen K. Klasko, M.D., M.B.A., President and CEO, Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health System
  • Skip Prichard, President & CEO, OCLC
  • James G. Neal, Columbia University Librarian Emeritus
  • Peg Grimm, Pennsylvania Healthcare Consumer
  • Robin Felder, Ph.D., Chair Medical Automation.org and Professor of Pathology, University of Virginia

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