Healthcare icon

I wish happy holidays for all, and I want to thank those who have been giving me feedback on the draft of Health Attitude. If you are not on the reviewer list, but would like to be, please drop a mail to [email protected].  The purpose of this post is to provide an update on plans for the new book. I started writing it in July, and finished chapter 16, the last one, just before Christmas. I have engaged CreateSpace to design the book cover, and I have secured an ISBN. The target publish date will be in March. The feedback has been invaluable, ranging from “nice read” to “here is a list of 99 things you need to edit”. Like software, a 300-page book will have bugs to fix, and words and phrases to improve.  No one is happy about the American healthcare system, and my goal for Health Attitude is to make the system and solutions understandable, and hopefully, help providers, payers, policy makers, and politicians to see the system as the rest of us do.

The other thing underway is a new website, Attitude LLC is my company and it will be the publisher of Health Attitude. The new website will include two sets of stories: Health Attitude will be posts about healthcare and the book. Net Attitude will be posts about the things I have been writing about in patrickWeb for more than 20 years: the Internet, motorcycles, music, technology, travels, and e-business. If you receive emails with my periodic posts, you will continue to receive them, but they will come from beginning in January. No action is required on your part. If you are a reviewer of Health Attitude and also a subscriber to patrickWeb, you may receive a few duplicates until the transition is complete. In January, visits to will automatically be redirected to Thank you very much for reading my posts and for your feedback. Happy New Year! John